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Director, Actress, Author,
Art Director, Conceptual Artist.
Montagist, Actor,
Animator, Producer.
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- At the pace of living
The spy shows his heart. "It's time to grow", he has asked us. We are going to burst until we put an end to naivety. We walk, we run forming links with our fingers, we tell the meaning of things, we make them appear, we make them animated; but then comes that adolescent regret that proposes us to express the secrets of similar souls. We swim in sugared water, not like swans, but like ducks that have led us to remember the chocolate donuts on the table, from that room in the floating neighborhood. We get together, we wrap ourselves around the pollen that has gotten into our pupils and makes us see flowers in the wood that separates the river from the grass. We feel tremendous, we think, we cut the oranges and we are sure that we have lost everything. The toys help us to get coins, we disappear the caresses that were missing in the camp, the schools open for us at night and teach us that someone is waiting for us. They're the friends, the lovers, but when we look at the clock it sounds less loud; it can be distinguished among the freshest peppermint, the one that tastes like so and steals our breath when we hear its voice throbbing in our hands. We climb the slides upside down, we sing while eating and we scream for love. At the end of the scolding we like to sit under the cool rain on the porch, full of desire amidst the noise of breathing. We take everything with anguish, but at the moment we have cleared up our minds: we have been distracted by the bubble gum and we lie down on the dry grass of an autumn that is about to leave, at the feet of our companion. Sweat leaves us with the feeling that we are doing something wrong, and we found the answer the next Saturday, when we have thought about how to make the fields purple and the earth cool, in that extreme in which we have reacted among the ducks. We realize that we have failed, because adulthood has caught up with us, and has left us without that mint flavor in the peppermint.* *translation of an original entry from May 15th, 2020. Photo credit: Dawson's Creek, Columbia TriStar Television #dawsonscreek #dawson #dawsonandjoey #paceyandjoey #kevinwilliamson #katieholmes #series #comingofage #90stvshows #teens #adolescence #youth #adulthood #famoustvshows #tvseries #television #joshuajackson #goodoldtimes #goodtimesroll #losmejoresmomentos #specialmoments #memories #memorias #rememberme #lovemeforever #idontwanttowait #thebestone #youaremylove #friendsforever #psicologiadeldesarrollo #developmentpsychology #school #growingpains #dreamers #capeside #joeypotter #suri
- Made in Verona
In the future of Verona all kisses dried out. The paralyzed lips were unable to pronounce again the wake of a virginal sex. On the broken path of failed visionaries, J. found herself, hoping to awaken from the abysmal naivety of love. In full disenchantment, she cut the white feathers of the coat that wrapped her and looked closely at R.'s face, free at last from the diffuse future of a Verona in love. The open coffin, illuminated by the water of the most beautiful vineyards, seemed to make R. happy between J.'s emotional disorder and the tearful life that she found worthless. In any case, J. did not want to give up, because without the anguish of love, without the anguish of that wait, she would degrade. The desperate breath would place J. before a confrontation with death and her stubborn acts, fighting against the spoiled war of youthful love; against a momentary memory of the way he dressed: a ridiculous and horrible way. This memory made her instantly lose said spoiled war of love, and because of her obsession with style, J. bled because of her greatest enemy: petulance. She could never accept that R. would never dress in that way that bothered her so much, so J. preferred to rise to eternity, rather than stop seeing R. in such ugly garments. Text inspired by the work "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare and the film "Romeo + Juliet" by Baz Luhrmann.* *translation of an original entry from May 7th, 2020. Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Mexico City (Gabriel Mancera No. 415), a shooting location from Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo + Juliet". Photo: Ddanielcruzz en Wikimedia Commons (edited) #romeoandjuliet #williamshakespeare #clairedanes #leonardodicaprio #cinema #arthousecinema #artdirection #romeoplusjuliet #bazluhrmann #drama #classicplays #classicliterature #theater #romeomustdie #letterstojuliet #romeo #juliet #dramaturgy #grief #verona #love #filmedinmexico #madeinmexico #fashion #style #modernism #modernart #vanguardcinema #shotinmexico
- Cinema's sexual identity
The impulses that a film director manifests when positioning the camera makes us recognize the unique and sexual identity of each cinematographic work, since those impulses will always come from the libido. Who ever said that sex is not art? Thinking about that sexuality that the director gives to the script through scenes affirms the idea that I put forward as the "sexual identity of cinema". The identity of cinema is discovered in the observation of the movements of the camera in communion with the acting techniques. They will make love to support a wonderful or stupid story, thus defining their sexuality. If you maintain a firm conviction about what you like, what causes pleasure, about that sensation so similar to that obtained when you kiss, then the director will be doing the right thing; and that sexual identity in auteur cinema will be sincere, or perhaps more than that: it will be authentic. Great filmmakers have kept the flame burning sharp and sharp by releasing Eyes Wide Shut or Pretty Woman, but if one suddenly wanted to change styles abruptly, it would make their films lose their true identity, marking a significant downfall. I will not mention examples of this, because in this blog I do not do film criticism. I simply express myself as a filmmaker. Like all of them. What happened with Mexican cinema was exactly that: By trying to resemble Hollywood cinema, national cinema lost that sexual identity; falling into artistic ruin by creating "recyclable" content with large amounts of money that have simply been used to pay for a catering service or rent a private beach where it was possible to film a ridiculous chase. It is worth mentioning that in the eighties and nineties, memorable years for Mexican cinema, it was shown that this country had talented people: Screenwriters writing literature, writing poetry for the scenes; directors with ideas, feelings, agility and intelligence for the camera; not to mention the wonderful golden age of Mexican cinema! So I affirm that many of us are waiting for sexual identity to return to our cinema and for creatives to leave their antics, preferences and hypocrisy. In this manner, I wrap things up without offending anyone, but I do send my most affectionate greetings to the filmmakers who, like me, are waiting; because as far as my area is concerned, current Mexican cinema does not have the slightest sense of Art Direction. And that is another of the aforementioned reasons why American and French cinema continue to be well positioned, by maintaining an impeccable sexual identity.* *translation of an original entry from April 30th, 2020. Photo: Julie Diaz as "Lini" in A Wakefulness of Indocility (2023). #cinemexicano #mexicancinema #hollywood #americancinema #mexicancinema #cinenorteamericano #cineestadounidense #mexico #nuestrocine #cineencasa #filmdirector #screenwriter #movies #cinema #arthousecinema #epocadeoro #cinedeautor #goldenageofcinema #classicalmexicancinema #badmovies #goodmovies #gaelgarcia #diegoluna #melodrama
- What is the "other" K-Generation?
Aside from what Noreena Hertz and oriental pop music fanatics would say, the K-Generation is conformed by a group of people who seduces and accepts love as it comes, a census created by Maja Milos, thanks to the making of her controversial film KLIP (2012), which influenced my debut novel Amnesty (Amnistía, 2018) and reminds us all of Aphrodite's nightmares. On this occasion, I want to share a very particular thought with you: It was to be expected that the Goddess of Love would feel persecuted by her own ghost, the only one and perhaps the youngest that would represent her weaknesses in many ways; but if you think about the myth, we are devaluing the love of the goddess. I'm talking about her instincts, the same ones that provoke the audience of KLIP (and hopefully, the readers of Amnesty) and turn the K-Generation into something true and current that happens even through an old cell phone screen when expressing what Aphrodite suffered. Far from thinking about the oedipal complex, I go into Amnesty to briefly explain the brilliance of such a Greek catastrophe in our contemporary times. The power that Milos overflows in his "wet" scenes may be the only true reason why Eleonor, the character of desire in my novel, remains in my work as part of Aphrodite's nightmare, revealing a character that harasses Cupid's mother. Perhaps being driven crazy by Milos's K-Generation, Eleonor provokes the phobia of the protagonist in my novel, leading her to uncomfortable situations that profess love for interpersonal insecurity; a feeling that weakens Casandra. From this geometry of mental illusions and madness, I invite you to acquire this book, because we are all part of the K-Gen; we are all victimizers of Aphrodite for disturbing and disobeying her, for no one can escape the jealousy caused by the corporality of another.* *translation of an original entry from March 29th, 2020. Amnesty (Amnistía, 2018): English Edition coming Fall 2023 in Paperback and Kindle. #klip #majamilos #generationk #kgeneration #aphrodite #amnesty #amnestynovel #literature #novel #cupid #psyche #greekmythology #goddessoflove #oedipuscomplex #oedipusking #film #movies #cinema #arthousecinema #cinemademisnarrativas #serbia #nightmare #ghosts #webcam #virtuallove #readers #recommendedreading #bookstore #book #beautifulbook #literaturamexicana #mexicanliterature #mexicanwriter #mexico #kindle #ebook #valentinesday
- Feliz día del libro y de la rosa :)
Para todos mis lectores con mucho cariño, en tiempos de guerra. ¡Ojo con las personas que no son felices! "La negrura adormece el horizonte, y quiere silenciarlo, la guerra es el arma de los infelices ajenos a los hechos, dan vueltas, buscando comer más basura, más cenizas, se alistan en casa para depreciar el sol, y presumir su afición, se aglomeran, seducen al vómito, y corrompen con su pensar, son los presuntuosos, ridículos que están lejos de la guerra actual, los que esperan quebrar la paz, claramente, esperaban una guerra así, ellos son, los pobres enemigos del amor, los vacíos y temerosos del sol, que no han de respetar el dolor de nuestros ucranianos y rusos, son las almas apestosas que creen dañar con un acto de amargura, acto que jamás impactará en los que sí podemos ver el sol salir" (Laura Maria Isabel Ruiz Ocadiz) Texto, para las "personas" que no respetan la paz mundial, la armonía y en consecuencia no respetan el amor y el arte, porque en tiempos de guerra solo pueden pensar en dañar, y en sacar toda su frustración, pero la vida es un espejo para quien no respeta el dolor de los demás. #guerra #rusia #libro #cine #pelicula #arte #prosa #cinedearte #amor #love #peaceandlove #peace #amorypaz #guerrayodio #odio #haters #infelicidad #libros #literatura #libreria #cartas #ucrania
- Unas palabras del Festival Internacional
Me siento apoyada y amada. Gracias a Los Ángeles, Calfornia en su Festival Internacional. #arthousecinema #film #filme #cine #cinema #pelicula #movie #arte #festival #amor
- Pasado ♥️
🐼🍜🎈 Hola mi amigo, ¿cómo estás hoy? Quiero decirles que nunca olvido de donde vengo, aquí en esta universidad empezó mi lucha por ser Cineasta, no olvido mi pasado porque es parte de mí, es gracias a ese pasado que soy ahora, Estoy demasiado cerca del primer sueño que abordé en este lugar, cuando luchaba contra los ideales de los demás. Nunca olvido de dónde vengo, nunca olvido mis raíces, porque la humildad también se basa en nuestro lugar en el pasado 💎🦁🍺
- PAST 🎈
🐼🍜🎈 Hello my friend, how are you today? I want to tell you that I never forget where I come from, here at this university my struggle to be a Filmmaker began, I do not forget my past because it is part of me, it is thanks to that past that I am now, I am too close to the first dream that I boarded in this place, when I was fighting against the ideals of others. I never forget where I come from, I never forget my roots, because humility is also based on our place in the past 💎🦁🍺 and about #arthousecinema ♥️ VIVA CINEMA ♥️🦁🌹 Waaaaaaa ‼️🙊 🍿 #Building #Iron #Entrance #Window #Architecture #Door #People #Outdoors #Gate #film #arthouse_cinema #filmmakers #actor #love #movie #cinema #school #university #art #colors #city #rain #night #sweden #london #india #denmark #girls #beer
For English: El jueves pasado, 2 jóvenes adultos intrusos del Arte, estudiantes de un curso gratuito de la Técnica Actoral "Estética Práctica" que yo impartí, a quienes ofrecimos nuestra ayuda sincera; intentaron, sin éxito, bloquear y afectar el rodaje de mi película, llevados por su padrenuestro "el egoísmo", la violencia y la vanidad. Nos sucedieron cosas con apariencia de maldad, pero el bien nunca se va, está presente en el mal; ningún ser puede hacer daño realmente cuando no pertenece a tu vida, a tu interior. La protección es infinita cuando practicas una disciplina hinduista, cuando estamos de la mano de nuestro Dios Jesús de Nazaret. Hoy agradecemos mucho a la Meditación Trascendental, a nuestro Dios y a la vida, porque estamos siendo premiados por un esfuerzo, por la honradez de nuestro trabajo: un trabajo limpio, y que ningún ser mundano, banal, alejado del Arte y de la moralidad, ciego y estúpido ante la verdad humana, podrá quebrantar a los artistas honestos que, como nosotros, trabajan con honradez. Hoy tengo una lista enorme de haters donde incluyo a estos seres vanidosos nacidos del vientre de Narciso, pero nosotros, mi esposo y yo, tenemos muchos más fans y amigos en todo el mundo, como lo eres tú, amigo o amiga de VERO, como lo son tantas personas, artistas, empresarios y catedráticos del medio artístico a nivel nacional e internacional, famosos Artistas y figuras públicas, como mis amigos aquí verificados y no verificados, que son nuestros amigos sinceros. Nos rodea gente buena y tenemos amor. Y Jim Carrey concluye diciendo "¡Las personas que no son felices, desean dañar!", pero nunca lo lograrán en verdad. Hoy agradecemos a la vida porque esas acciones de vanidad fueron las que nos llevaron a un mayor bien. Hoy, en un domingo de resurrección para la religión católica apostólica que profesamos y en nombre de Jesús de Nazaret: Estamos a punto de iniciar el rodaje de mi película.
- Sexto Cortometraje en puerta
Gracias amigos, por leer todo esto, es súper para mí, ojalá me escriban ¿no? Es de madrugada, seguimos aquí en las pruebas ¿ustedes, están en pleno sol? quisiera invitarlos aquí para charlar, la espera de maquillaje, peinado y vestuario lleva tiempo, el cabello me luce más largo, mis amigas ya sabrsn por qué, la magia del estilismo en cine. ¿Hoy comienzan el día con un café? Yo quisiera una cerveza fría para terminar el día, y aunque felizmente, un poco cansada. Olvidé mi camara de fotografía digital pero, eso no importó. ¿Cómo es la prueba Actoral? Es cierto yo planee esta estrategia de casting, ahora se usa conmigo, es genial: Un simulador de diferentes historias. El sexto cortometraje que lanzará PertúrPure Cinema, es un Psycho tal de Cine de Arte. La prueba que se buscó fue en un ensayo de simulación ajena al guion, nada que ver con la historia. Una chica, en la noche de graduación, en un camión que queda parado en luminoso estacionamiento solitario, mientras el conductor busca el apellido de su amigo en un obituario, bueno solo una prueba para girar el personaje que en ese momento tomaré. Un rollo chulisimo. Abrazo. Felices luces de color de miércoles. #cine #cinema #arthousecinema #movies #movie #pelis #pelicula #penelopecruz #kellytaylor #brendawalsh #casting #filmmakers #filmmaking #cinedearte #cinetecanacional #amor #britneyspears #toxic #arte
- México 🇲🇽
Escándalo al sentimiento ahora presenta fotos en sus textos 🐵🌹 ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🌍 Nota informativa: Los textos libres que aquí lees están protegidos por Derechos de Autor ©️ Safe Creative. 🧸 Hace unos días que no les escribía, ya los extrañaba, y les agradezco mucho estar aquí. Como ven mi Feed va a experimentar una transformación más dinámica, espero les guste mucho y sigan apoyando mi contenido en IG 💜 🌹🌹🌹 🐵🎙️ Me encuentro en el Parque de los Escritores en la ciudad de México CDMX, frente al monumento del gran Juan Rulfo. 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🐵🎙️ Hoy en Escándalo al sentimiento: México 🇲🇽 Este tema sugerido por mi esposo Roberto Eduardo Arenas Farquet. Les recuerdo que estos textos son libres de estructura. Frescos, Puros y Libres. 🌹🌹🌹 México 🇲🇽 México padece la vanidad de los hijos de patria que han de despreciar su hermosura. Terrenos áridos gotean en lloriqueos, las flores están desahuciadas, y se acaban las letras sobre valiosas hojas. Años llevan, solitarias y sombrías las bibliotecas, pues a varios hermanos ya no les importa más nada. La ciudad inquieta añora pintarse tricolor, pero gris la quieren volver cada que terminamos de poner nuestra ofrenda. Bocas censuradas, ojos rojos e hinchados, oídos en quiebre, olores pasados de moda y lengua en tacos para cenar. México 🇲🇽 te quiero, te quiero México, no me abandones, no me digas que es la polución o el banco, porque algo peor debe pasar. Quiéreme México como yo te quiero a ti, pero dejémos de llorar por el martes, recordemos a los niños músicos, y despidamos la represión. Y aunque la literatura muchos desprecien, cada que mi boca calle, por favor México golpéame en el corazón. 🌹🌹🌹 🥺 Con todo mi amor para mi México sufriente. 🌹🌹🌹 #mexico🇲🇽 #méxico #mexicocity #frasesdesoledad #textosreflexivos #amortotal #escandalo #fragmentos #citasliterarias #literaturanacional #iberoamerica #textgram #textosdeamor #yoamomexico #lovemexico #prosa #escritosdiarios #tristezas #palomanegra #gente #lamalquerida #pain #writting #mypen #textosyamor #dolores #juanrulfo #escritores #rulfo #pedroparamo